1. Choose at least two of the tools from the above list. Create an account for each (if required) .
I created an account for both Today's Meet and Poll Everywhere.
2. Use each of the tools you choose to create a sample of how you would use it in your classroom.
I have created samples using both Today's Meet and Poll Everywhere.
3. Embed the sample (preferred) or link to the URL.
Here is the URL link for my Today's Meet online World History class. http://todaysmeet.com/Jasek
I also used Poll Everywhere to create a few polls. Here is the link. http://www.polleverywhere.com/my/polls#!/my/polls
4. Share your thoughts on how you see the tools being integrated into your classroom. How do you see them encouraging participation?
I think that the kids would really enjoy the Poll Everywhere tool. This is a way that they can interactively give some feedback to start class as a warm up. This could be used after certain pieces of the lesson have been presented in order to get a grasp of what the students have learned or may be confused about. I like the idea of Today's Meet as a tool for kids to share their ideas after reading the text. This will allow students to share what they think and develop some thoughts on the material to share with their peers.
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