Monday, March 12, 2012

Tool #11

1. What are your favorite tools you now have in your personal technology toolbox? Briefly describe a particular activity that you will plan for your students using at least one of these new tools.
Some of my favorite tools include Poll Everywhere, Skype, and Edmoto. I plan to use Edmoto to carry out our project on World War I. I want to get to the point to where all of my students are comfortable using the devices and understand how to use technology effectively. 
2. How have you transformed your thinking about the learning that will take place in your classroom? How has your vision for your classroom changed? Are you going to need to make any changes to your classroom to accommodate the 21st Century learner?I believe that the same learning will take place, just in a different manner. I believe that all of this technology will just facilitate the learning process. It will be hard for me to let the students use this technology in place of the traditional teaching that I am used to. It will be hard to give up class time and allow the kids to start to do some of the learning on their own. I will definitely have to make some changes in order to accommodate all of this technology. I will have to cut down the amount of time that I instruct and allow extra time for the students to develop their own thoughts and theories on particular events in history.
3. Were there any unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?
I did not expect to learn about as many apps as I did. I feel that I am pretty knowledgeable when it comes to technology, but I still learned quite a bit. I learned about some effective tools to use in my classroom and how to create an environment that will allow the students to take control of their learning. 

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on completing the 11 Tools course! I appreciate your reflection, especially #2. Student choice and self-directed learning is part of the educational reform occurring in education. Actually, students will not only learn the same stuff, but some will take it a bit further. I had the opportunity to hear a few students from MHS speak this school year, and wow! They are ready to take ownership of their learning, BUT they want their teachers right there with them. Student-teacher relationships are still very important. Thank you for your thoughtful reflection.
